To Provide Peaceful And Secure Environment In the University Campuses.
The primary function of the security staff is maintaining law and order in the university campus. Security staff also ensures safety of university property. The security guards also assist Directorate of Student Affairs in dealing with the issues arising out of the violation of university code of conduct. It is all due to the untiring efforts of the Chief Security Officer and his staff that university is successfully maintaining discipline since GCUF is a crowded campus of over 39000 students of various academic disciplines.
Government of Punjab has shown serious concerns over the security measures in the educational institutions, specially catering to very long number of students. In this regard university security committee, comprising of senior faculty and administrations members was developed. Different security measures like raising of the boundary walls, construction of OPs, Appointment of retired army personnel’s as security guards, purchase of new weapons, installation of barriers and electronic walk through gates have been adopted. All the faculty members, students and administrative staff are issued university ID cards that is mandatory for them to display in the university premises. Visitors are issued visitor cards in exchange of CNIC.