Government College University Faisalabad

Admission Policy Academic Year 2019-20 Affiliated Colleges Under Semester System

Posted on: 09 Oct 2019

Consequent upon the approval of the Statutory Bodies of the University, the Vice Chancellor is pleased to grant permission to notify the following Admission Policy for BS (4-Year)/ MA/M.Sc Programmes (Under Semester System) for the Academic Year 2019-20 for Affiliated Colleges as per details given below.

1- Admission Policy for BS (4-years) Programmes/ MA/MSC(02-Years) & under Semester System

  1. Male/ female candidates having domicile of only Punjab are eligible for admission.
  2. The candidates with at least 45% marks in FA/F.Sc./I.Com/ICS or equivalent examination are eligible to apply for all programmes except BS(SE) i.e 60% marks and BS Engineering Technologies (Electrical/ Mechanical / Civil / Chemical) where at least 50% marks are required and for programmes of DPT, Medical Health Professional Programmes (Medical Lab Technology (MLT), Radiography & Imaging Technology (RIT), Operation Theater Technology (OTT) etc.), where at least 60% marks are required as per the requirement of the respective Councils.
  3. Admission will be granted strictly on merit i.e. on the basis of the marks obtained in FA/F.Sc./I.Com/ICS or equivalent examinations in 2019 and 2018. However, candidates of the earlier sessions will be considered by deducting 10 marks for each year for admission.
  4. Pre-requisites: The following pre-requisites have been approved for the respective undergraduate programmes with the condition that the candidates must have studied these subjects at Secondary or Higher Secondary level for respective programmes:

    BS (Software Engineering), BS (CS) & BS (IT)

    i) F.Sc. (Pre-Engineering/ Pre-Medical with additional subject of Mathematics) / ICS or equivalent *

    BS Electrical Engineering Technology
    BS Mechanical Engineering Technology
    BS Civil Engineering Technology

    DAE Electrical, Electronics, Telecom, Instrumentation
    DAE Mechanical
    DAE Civil
    The seat distribution is in each program: 50% DAE Seats, 50% F.Sc Seats

    BS Biotechnology, Microbiology and Physiology

    F.Sc. (Pre-Medical) or equivalent *

    BS Mathematics

    F.Sc. (Pre-Engineering)/ Pre-Medical, with additional subject Mathematics) / ICS with Physics and Mathematics


    a) Intermediate
    b) The candidate will have to pass the aptitude test conducted by the Department.

    B.Ed. (H) (Elementary)

    Intermediate or equivalent *

  5. Admission will be granted provisionally subject to verification of the certificates of the candidates from the relevant Secondary Board. Equivalence certificate is required from IBCC Islamabad/Lahore (where applicable).
  6. The maximum age limit is 22 year on the closing date of applications.
  7. Age relaxation may be granted in special cases upto 5 years out of which upto 2 years by the Principal of the college & more than two years by the Vice Chancellor GCUF subject to the availability of seats after accommodating all the fresh candidates

2. Admission Policy for Master programmes MA/MSc (02-Year)

  1. Male/female candidates having domicile of only Punjab are eligible for admission.
  2. The candidates shall be eligible to apply for admission, who have:
    • At least 45% marks in terminal degree.
    • At least 45% marks in the major subject in which admission is being sought (where applicable) i.e. Applied Linguistics, Applied Psychology, Botany, Chemistry, Economics, English, Applied Chemistry, Mathematics, Computer Science, Physics, Statistics and Zoology etc.
  3. The candidates who have passed MA/MSc or equivalent examination in 2019 and 2018 will be considered for admission. However, candidates of earlier sessions will be considered by deducting 10 marks for each year for admission subject to availability of seats after accommodating fresh candidates. However, MBA and MBA Executive the candidates must have qualified MA/MSc/Equivalent programme for admission to 02 years MBA and MBA Executive. However, three year working experience in Public / Private Institution after Master programme.
  4. The maximum age limit is 28 years on the closing date of applications for Master programmes, however age relaxation may be granted in special cases upto 05 years by the Competent Authority i.e. upto 2 years by the Principal of the college & more than that by the Vice Chancellor of GCUF subject to availability of seats after accommodating fresh candidates.
  5. The maximum age limit for MBA (Executive) is 45 years, no further relaxation will be granted.

3. Admission Schedule

Date by which admissions are to be completed 31-10-2019

4. University Dues

The registration fee / sports fee will be charged at the following rates for this year

i) Registration Fee: Rs. 2000/- per student
ii) Sports Fee: Rs. 800/- per student per year

5. Submission of Registration Return

After completion of admission, the online registration returns / Forms of all the admitted candidates will be sent to the office of the Additional Registrar (Registration), GCU, Faisalabad by the Principals of affiliated colleges alongwith the requisite registration & sports fee. In case of default in submission of registration return, the registration return will be submitted with the fine at the following rates

  • With single fee Rs. 2000/- + sports fee Rs.800/- per year per student upto 16.11.2019
  • Within fine of Rs. 500/- upto 03.12.2019
  • With fine of Rs. 1000/- upto 31.12.2019

After the expiry of 60 days (i.e. 31.12.2019) from the last date of admission, the Registration Return shall not be accepted in any case.

Note:- After expiry of the last date of admission, the Principal of the College shall ensure to submit the list of the admitted students within one week positively to the Additional Registrar (Registration) , Government College University, Faisalabad, failing which no admission will be allowed thereafter in any case.

6. University reserves the right to change any clause of admission policy or refuse admission to any applicant without any reason.

Note: The students who will complete their degrees successfully, they will pay Rs.2500/- for receipt of their degrees.

Muhammad Asif Lateef
Additional Registrar (Academics)

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