Government College University Faisalabad

Department of Pharmacognosy

Ground Floor, Basic Science Block, Old Campus

Scheme of Studies


To be renowned and prestigious department at national and international level by offering high quality education and research in the preparation, standardization, commercialization, effectiveness and safe use of herbal medicines and natural products.


Department of Pharmacognosy is determined to provide quality education and research. It is also amied to promote safe and efficacious use of herbal medicines and nutraceuticals through innovative research and phytopharmaceutical development based on local resources.


Pharmacognosy is one of the major disciplines of pharmacy that deals with the drugs obtained from natural sources such as plants, animals, minerals and other natural sources. Pakistan is rich in natural fauna and flora and there is dire need to explore their medicinal potential to cure different diseases with minimum side effects. Department of Pharmacognosy was established in 2014 and since we are committed to provide quality education and research. In future we are planning to start MPhil and PhD in Pharmacognosy.


Dr. Ijaz Ali
PhD (UOK-Pakistan), RPh
Assistant Professor
Specialization: Extraction & Standardization of Crude drugs,
vegitable oil analysis by GCMS, Bio active evalution of
metabolites for antiozidant, antidiabeticme, anitmicrobial
and anticancers effects.

Dr. Ejaz Basheer
PhD (UOK-Pakistan), RPh
Assistant Professor
Specialization: Extraction & Characterization of
Phytochemicals & Bio active compounds of natural origin.
Poly herbal/ herbal formulations, standardization of natural
products, Bioequivalence of herbal formulation. Regulatory
Affairs of Natural Products

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