Government College University Faisalabad

Eastern Medicine

Basic Sciences Block, Old Campus

Scheme of Studies


To attain the highest level of glory and excellence in the field of Eastern Medicine through quality teaching and research to make this Department as model department for producing highly competent and skillful Clinicians to serve for the benefit of humanity and to contribute to the development of Nation


To provide the knowledge and infrastructure to develop Eastern Medicine. Department of Eastern Medicine aims to build capacity of the common people (society) and the professionals to understand Eastern Medicine. This mission of the Department of Eastern Medicine goes well together to execute advance studies and research.


The Department of Eastern Medicine was established in 2013 at directorate of Medical Sciences, with a mandate to carry teaching and research on various aspects of modern as well as alternative medicine, suggesting measures for the conservation and improvement of population health by treatment and cure for the ailments and complications, especially focusing on utilization of local flora for alternative treatment. The department is offering graduate degree of BEM in Eastern Medicine. The degree is approved from Higher Education Commission. The faculty members of this department have published more than 80 research papers (as senior author or co-author) during the last five years. An extensive scheme of studies (containing more than 400 graduate level courses in ten semesters) has been developed and approved for graduate degree program in the field of Eastern Medicine, to cope up with whole medical fraternity, all major aspects of modern and alternative medicine are included, such as Anatomy, Physiology, Biochemistry, Clinical methods and therapeutics, Pathology, Community medicine, Pharmacology, Pharmacognosy, Principles of Eastern medicine, Gynaecology and Obstetrics, Clinical Psychology and Psychiatry, Opthalmology and ENT, Pediatrics etc. A number of latest books on the subject of Eastern Medicine have been purchased and placed in the departmental library for ready reference to the students. In addition, students are encouraged to get electronic copies of latest research papers related their area of research by contacting relevant authors, institutions and publishers etc.


Department of Eastern Medicine

Dr. Sultana Ayaz, PhD (HU-Pakistan)
Associate Professor / Chairperson
Specialization: Pre-clinical , Clinical and Post Clinical Study of herbal formulations

Dr. Muhammad Akram, PhD (HU-Pakistan)
Associate Professor
Specialization: Clinical trials of herbal formulationin gouty arthritis & biological study of medical plants

Dr. Syed Muhammad Ali Shah, PhD (HU-Pakistan)
Assistant Professor
Specialization: Enzyme inhibition study by medicinal plants, Clinical Comparative Study of herbal formulation, Antioxidant activity by medicinal plants

Dr. Sabira Sultana, PhD (HU-Pakistan)
Assistant Professor
Specialization: Clinical evaluation of herbal medicine and clinical studies

Dr. Muhammad Riaz ur Rehman, PhD (HU-Pakistan)
Assistant Professor (OPS)
Specialization: Therapeutics , Comparative clinical study on obesity, Formulation and evaluation of herbal combinations

Dr. Hamad Ahmed, PhD Eastern MEdicine (GCUF-Pakistan)
Assistant Professor (OPS)
Specialization: Endocrinology Diabetes mellitus (DM), comparative study on obesity and DM, Clinical studies on DM and Infertility, Formulation and evaluation of herbal combinations

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