Government College University Faisalabad

Advertisement for the appointment for the position of Research Assistant in Department of Chemistry

Posted on: 18 Sep 2023

Applications are invited from Pakistani Nationals, not married to a foreign national, for the appointment for the position of Research Assistant in Department of Chemistry under Higher Education Commission project no 8806/Punjab/NRPU/R&D/HEC/2017,  titled‘’Synthesis and Characterization of Chitin/Curcumin Based Waterborne Polyurethane  for Biomedical Textiles with the following terms and conditions.

Post name: Research Assistant

No. of positions: 01

Monthly Stipend: Rs. 25,000/- per month

Contract duration: 05 months  10 days

Qualification/Eligibility: Enrolled Ph.D  student in Applied Chemistry/Chemistry

  • The preference will be given to PhD scholar of Govt. College University, Faisalabad.
  • The candidate must not have submitted his Ph.D thesis. 
  • The candidate must have know how about polymer synthesis and characterization
  • The candidate must not be engaged in any Government or Private Job. 


How to apply: One page application including short CV and attested copies of testimonial must reach the office of the Principal Investigator in the Department of Chemistry at the Government College University Faisalabad, not later than September 19, 2023. The interviews of the candidates will be conducted on September 26, 2023.


Dr. Shazia Tabasum
Associate Professor / Principal Investigator (PI)
Project No. 8806/Punjab/NRPU/R&D/HEC/2017
Department of  Chemistry
Government College University Faisalabad

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